Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Around the World

Lisa Collins, fellow WhyBother team member, physical therapist, amiga, and best present giver, gave me the best present EVER. She not only hit the mark, but dropped a bomb on it, obliterating not just the mark, but everything within a 10 mile radius of it. I'm talkin BOOOOM. She hit me up one afternoon and told me she had a surprise for me from Penzeys Spices. I was tickled. Within the quaint and functional paper bag with two color printing, I found 5 of my lovers from around the world; cinnamon...all with different purposes and preparation suggestions on their labels. What more could I ask for??? Cinnamon from China, Ceylon, Indonesia, Vietnam, and big Penzeys gang bang of them all for when I'm too stoned to make a decision. There were not only little jars of cinnamon in the bag, but cinnamon cassia chunks as well! Cassia chunks? Fuckin riiiiight doggie, cassia chunks. You take them nuggets of love and put em in your coffee grinder with the beans. Supposedly it turns your coffee into a cup of heaven. Sadly i don't drink coffee, so i've resorted to putting the bag of chunks up on my wall and have since called it art. Take a trip down to Penzeys sometime for your next cinnamon fix and BIG UPs to Lisa! Muchas muchas muchas!

Maybe you've tried my nuts...

...if so, i hope it was as good for you as it was for me. And just fyi, i faked it. Ok, maybe not every time. Hmmmm, so who loves cinnamon???? MEEEEEEE! Which brings me full circle; maybe you've tried my nuts. My nuts were made famous by their rise in demand and popularity in my music history class. I carry my nuts around in a nut bag, which is also plastic, freezable, and re-sealable. My side ingredients are from my pal Trader Joe. These side ingredients include but are not limited to: walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, pistachios, pignolas, peanuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds...all raw...dried: cranberries, ginger, and apricots. For my main ingredient, i like to use what you probably guessed: cinnamon. Life's most incredible spice. If only I could put it on a good hangout, or a good song. Once everything's in the bag i give it a good, long shake. Consistency and fairness must be given to all the nuts and berries. Take them with you for a healthy snack wherever you are! Warning: Don't rub cinnamonee hands on clothing. not. a. good. look. Notable people who are avid bag-o-nutters: Mr. Mraz and Jesus.